5 keys to sucess on Twitter

Updated: September 06, 2012

1. Pimp Your Profile

Twitter doesn't allow extreme profile decor (yet) but users who don't complete the profile customization put out a bad vibe to other Twitter users and it might keep them from following you or from seriously considering you an information resource. Think about it, if you don't create a background, upload a profile picture and fill in your information, are other Twitter users going to take you seriously? Regardless of your motives for being on Twitter, you need to distinguish yourself with a vibrant and complete profile page.

2. Make your picture you.

Twitter is a network comprised of people, not companies or weird little icons. Your profile picture needs to be a picture of you, or the primary users of the account. Dont be shy or scared to inform your followers and potential followers of who you are. It'll come in handy at expos, confrences, and specialty events like Tweetups.

3. Make your website relevant to what you do and who you are.

If you are utilizing Twitter for business networking or other professional purposes be sure to include the most relevant URL for what you do or are interested in promoting. Putting a URL that connects to another social network is not informative as to what you will be Tweeting ( the act of posting on Twitter) about.

4. Don't Auto DM!

This is serious. Do not be led into temptation to auto DM (direct message) new followers with a cheesey response. You are a person, not an automated animatron. Write to people individually and genuinely. If someone decides to follow you it has nothing to do with a desire to receive a generic message; only that they dig your tweets, so keep that up and leave the cheese with the mice.

5. RT and @ Reply

It is important to remember that Twitter is SOCIAL media. In order to flourish, you must interact with other users. Two of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to RT (retweet) interesting or attention grabbing posts that feature links to news stories, blog posts or other web media. Also, retweeting what others have said regarding your brand is a great form of PR and advertising. Along those same lines is @ replying when users mention you in a tweet or you want to speak on an issue or topic.


1. Pimp Your Profile

Twitter doesn't allow extreme profile decor (yet) but users who don't complete the profile customization put out a bad vibe to other Twitter users and it might keep them from following you or from seriously considering you an information resource. Think about it, if you don't create a background, upload a profile picture and fill in your information, are other Twitter users going to take you seriously? Regardless of your motives for being on Twitter, you need to distinguish yourself with a vibrant and complete profile page.

2. Make your picture you.

Twitter is a network comprised of people, not companies or weird little icons. Your profile picture needs to be a picture of you, or the primary users of the account. Dont be shy or scared to inform your followers and potential followers of who you are. It'll come in handy at expos, confrences, and specialty events like Tweetups.

3. Make your website relevant to what you do and who you are.

If you are utilizing Twitter for business networking or other professional purposes be sure to include the most relevant URL for what you do or are interested in promoting. Putting a URL that connects to another social network is not informative as to what you will be Tweeting ( the act of posting on Twitter) about.

4. Don't Auto DM!

This is serious. Do not be led into temptation to auto DM (direct message) new followers with a cheesey response. You are a person, not an automated animatron. Write to people individually and genuinely. If someone decides to follow you it has nothing to do with a desire to receive a generic message; only that they dig your tweets, so keep that up and leave the cheese with the mice.

5. RT and @ Reply

It is important to remember that Twitter is SOCIAL media. In order to flourish, you must interact with other users. Two of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to RT (retweet) interesting or attention grabbing posts that feature links to news stories, blog posts or other web media. Also, retweeting what others have said regarding your brand is a great form of PR and advertising. Along those same lines is @ replying when users mention you in a tweet or you want to speak on an issue or topic.
