Developing Enthusiastic Employees Doesn't Have to Break the Bank

Updated: May 19, 2010


Build relationships with your workforce. Employees want to work in a collaborative environment designed to utilize their skills.

  • Make it a part of the weekly ritual to walk around the office and talk with your employees. This routine will foster an open relationship between you and your staff­.
  • Learn your employees' individual strengths and needs and design roles and tasks that will put each one in a position to succeed­.
  • Provide clear directions and goals for each project­.
  • Create a supportive and accountable workplace. Encour­age your employees to learn from their mistakes, free from punishment, by holding regular debriefings to ana­lyze performance on a project.


Create a system that motivates ALL employees to contribute.

  • Make sure all voices - not just the loudest ones - are heard, The workplace is not a school yard; there should be no bullies - in meetings, go around the room and ask everyone to offer their ideas.
  • Teamwork is key. Group structures can be an effective way to harness individual talents in service of a greater goal.
  • Incentives are a great way to motivate employees­.


Earn the trust of your employees.

  • Follow through on your promises. If you say you will set up an incentive program, you must do it­
  • Be honest. Whether business is booming or strug­gling, tell employees what's what. They'll respect you more for it and feel like they're part of a team instead of hired hands­


Lead by example. You, the employer, must be diligent about building a supportive workplace. Make it a priority, ­Show your employees that you value their contributions and recognize their achievements. Good managers remember to recognize and motivate employees. Great managers do it everyday­.