10 Tips For Boosting Your Energy and Your Sales

Updated: August 30, 2010

Here are 10 ways to boost your energy and boost the energy of your customers, as well.

1. Move it. Try not to schedule meetings right after lunch. Your body is digesting and the temptation to nod off is strongest. Rather, use this time to for those tasks that require some physical fitness: put inventory away, re-arrange furniture, and walk files over to your co-workers. Filing, sorting, and stocking are great activities to re-energize you.

2. Play your favorite song. Often, just hearing the first opening bars will get you humming and offer you a momentary surge of energy that will reduce stress and the feeling of fatigue. Fun music is also proven to increase sales because customers who feel good are more likely to spend more. Do you remember how excited you got making a mixed-tape in middle school? Make a fun play list for yourself - one that is filled with all of your body-moving favorites and take yourself back to your childhood. On your way into work, listen to a motivational speaker rather than the news and you'll feel immediately inspired.

3. Go outside. A few deep breaths in the sunshine will flush out energy-draining toxins in your blood stream. Get up from your desk, take the stairs and go outside for 5-10 minutes. Focusing on your breathing and the sunshine penetrating your skin will instantly invigorate. Even on a cloudy day, there is enough vitamin D penetrating the clouds. Going back to your desk by way of the stairs is another benefit.

4. Brighten up. Surround yourself with bright colors. Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) are considered the most energizing, while cool tones (green, blue, purple) are the most calming. Keep a bowl of lemons around and you'll be able to add a zest of citrus and color. Fresh flowers are another great way to bring color and life into your office.

5. Sniff citrus. The scents of oranges, lemons and grapefruits are energizing, waking up your senses. Add a slice or two to a glass of water and refresh and energize yourself any time of day. This is especially great for first thing in the morning since citrus also aids in flushing your system.

6. Drink a glass of water. Dehydration causes fatigue and a glass of water in the afternoon helps boost your hydration levels. For every cup of coffee you consume, alternate with a glass of water to keep the coffee jitters down. This is a good practice for your evening cocktails, as well. Cut down on the calming effects by drinking one glass of water in between each alcoholic beverage.

7. Sneak a snack. Boost your feel-good hormone (serotonin) with a few grams of carbohydrates. A small cup of microwave popcorn, a handful of almonds or some fresh fruit are all energy boosters.

8. Tote some tea. Instead of drinking caffeine to get you going in the afternoon, enjoy a cup of antioxidant-rich green tea to help rev your metabolism and help you sleep better at night. Caffeine in the afternoon has been shown to affect your sleep patterns at night, feeding the cycle of feeling tired in the afternoon. Change your routine and you'll boost your energy.

9. Laugh! A good laugh will offer you a momentary surge of energy. If there is no one to laugh with, practice this proven technique: Start down at the depths of your belly and laugh out loud. Literally, crack yourself up. Just start laughing and you'll discover that it's easy to repeat and you'll be instantly energized.

10. Be thankful. If you have to be at your desk when your energy is feeling low, rather than return emails, write a few thank you notes. You can't be stressed while you're telling someone how grateful you are. Focusing on gratitude will always change your attitude. Send thank you notes to your favorite customers, to the customer who got away and to the customer you haven't seen in a while. Happy, paying customers is the best energy booster to a quiet afternoon.