Creating A Coaching Culture

Updated: February 24, 2011

ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWS (APRS) can be invaluable in maintaining alignment between employee performance and management's goals and expectations. However, they do little to improve performance, enhance skills, or develop leadership qualities. Even so, most managers use APRs as part of their employee development!

This is troubling. The one tool employers rely on most to develop talent is not going to deliver desired results. To make APRs more effective as a developmental tool, make coaching and mentoring (C&M) an integral part of your culture.

C&M cultures inspire employees to give their best, to perform to the highest standards daily. You could hardly expect the same from a culture that checks in with employees once a year.

In C&M cultures, performance reviews happen all the time (at least monthly). The review becomes just that—a review of the challenges, issues and progress that managers and employees have talked about during the year. Using APRs in this way is just one hallmark of C&M cultures. To build such a culture, also take these four initiatives: