What Benefits are the for Switching to VoIP?

By Robin Wilding
Updated: March 28, 2011

There are two major benefits of VoIP; cost savings and communications intelligence.

Most companies are considering changing to VoIP for the cost savings. If your company regularly makes long distance phone calls that incur hefty charges from your phone company then switching to VoIP will have significant savings, even after you figure in the cost of migration.

The biggest benefit with the smallest acclaim of VoIP solutions for small businesses is that it brings valuable features to your phone system, thereby increasing productivity. While features can change on a system-to-system basis, the most common features are:

  • Call Routing and Forwarding
  • Automated Call Distribution
  • Data Integration
  • Auto Attendant
  • Directory Services and Call Routing
  • Conferencing.
  • Unified Communications Collaboration
  • Voicemail
  • Wed-Based Administration Interface
  • Analytical Tools
  • Integration with CRM Tools
  • Presence Management for Remote, Branch and Satellite Offices



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