Study Reveals LifeSize’s Potential Eco- and Budget-friendly Impact

By Charron Conley
Updated: April 29, 2011

Study Reveals LifeSize’s Potential Eco- and Budget-friendly Impact

Going green and reducing a company's carbon footprint can be a bit daunting in the fact that changes also need to be cost effective. Once again, modern technology comes to the rescue.

LifeSize and Forester Consulting are now reporting just how helpful video conferencing is to that predicament. In a study on LifeSize conducted by Forester Consulting, it was found that in just one year after rolling out the LifeSize systems, the company experienced a “392 percent risk-adjusted ROI, over $1 million in reduced travel costs and close.”

Lifesize itself has been around since 2003 and is rapidly growing. Ways that companies are reducing costs are creating virtual offices where you can video conferencing, text chat, share files, download files, desktop replacement deal with employees from many different locations. Also costs can be saved in flights; saved man-hours will bring sown costs down in as little as a few weeks.

In this not only was the customer able to save money, however they also meet its carbon dioxide emission reduction goals with close to a 12 percent decrease in carbon emissions. This project has truley demonstrated the potential cost effectiveness and benefits of this technology.

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