"Human Resources" are the most important to a business

Updated: October 18, 2009


It doesn't matter how innovative your product or marketing strategy may be, the HR carry those plans out and if the HR isn't happy, the implantation is far less efficient.

This is a continuation of similar research done by MIT, US Dept of Labor, Fortune, and Forbes in the 1990s summarized in Rob H. Rosen's 1996 book "Leading People'

He lists 8 proven leadership principles found in successful enterprises:

1. Vision

2. Trust

3. Participation

4. Learning

5. Diversity

6. Creativity

7. Integrity

8 Community

With plenty of real life examples to show they work. (reference: ISBN 0-670-858740-90

Scope of Research

This research seeks to discover and evaluate new techniques not described by Rosen, and to collect objective data that can prove the effectiveness along with subjective employee comments that indicate a level of employee loyalty.

  1. 1. The main focus will be on having people do what they want and still have an effective organization. Anyone who has played in a Rock band sees no contradiction in this statement. A similar approach will be applied to a business.
  2. The secondary focus is how to promote unity, cooperation and teamwork including games, parties, and positive reinforcement for team successes.


I have may ideas but would like to get a group consensus on the best way to carry this out.