Make the Call Center Pay for Itself

Updated: August 20, 2012

Call centers — or contact centers — have long been viewed as money pits, a necessary yet costly communications hub full of dollar-draining agents and overhead expenses. Part of the problem with this negative perception, however, stems from the fact that many companies simply don't know how to properly leverage a call center's financial perks. In fact, Ventana Research Inc. discovered that the measures used to manage a center haven't changed a great deal in the last 5 to 10 years, and that the focus remains on efficiency of handling calls and maximum throughput from the smallest number of agents. The result: a jaded view of a potential profit center.

Here's how a technology-enhanced contact center can generate revenue and cut costs.

  • Reduce Call-Handling Times and Overhead: By streamlining call centers using hosted or premise-based IP platforms and software applications, a company can reduce call-handling times and avoid a bloated agent work force.
  • Better Customer Service: Responding to customers' inquiries in record time and with assured accuracy is an ideal way for a company to add to its profitability with immediate customer satisfaction and enhanced customer loyalty .
  • Scalability: So your company is rapidly expanding, and you need to ramp up your operations in as little time as possible? With a hosted solution , you can scale your operations and integrate increasingly sophisticated capabilities without service interruptions, thereby ensuring ongoing business success.
  • Better Uptime: Selecting a vendor with an excellent track record and a robust call-center solution can easily enhance system uptime, ensuring that customers receive reliable and high-quality service any time of the day.
  • Improve Customer Experience: Customers are happier, and more likely to spend more money, when you let them choose how they wish to contact you, through seamlessly integrated customer touchpoints including phone, email, fax and the Web.