Human Resources & Recruiting Industries Battle It Out With Change

Updated: November 04, 2010

With the changing of the times and the emergence of new business practices, the Human Resources & Recruiting Industries have found it difficult to shift their focus from the traditional to the new wave of human relations. The days of robotic job boards and newspaper ads are long gone and have been replaced by the immense advantages in technology. Candidates and employers alike are no longer finding what they seek on a typical job board or a newspaper, this is called substance. Anything looks good on paper, but on a face to face interaction, that view can easily be reassessed. More and more appealing have become the many networking and social sites scattered throughout the internet. Possible hires now seek possible employers via these sites to interact with them on a more human based interaction. They can find out what they are like, what their styles are, what their businesses are about, what their credentials contain; the wealth of information and topics is infinite.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Focus (among some of the highest rated), combine a business appeal as well a social one to all of their members. Anyone can join and anyone can boast themselves and their businesses within profiles designed to be legible by any and all who take the time to read them. This new age of thinking individuals goes above and beyond that however, by sending out personal invites to those members they are most interested in knowing. This key factor precisely states that they are no longer standing idle while your firm or organization does its back office work. They are now proactive in their approach to seeking out the most talented individuals in their field.